“We envisage that in 2038 our Parish, with its rich and varied heritage, its outstanding natural landscape and built environment, and its several distinctive and discrete settlements will continue to be a great place in which to live… “

- An extract from the Vision for the Box Parish Neighbourhood Plan

A Neighbourhood Plan is a legal document intended to give local people and communities more say about the scale and nature of future development in their locality within the context of both strategic planning policy in the National Planning Policy Framework and local plans - in our case, the Wiltshire Core Strategy.
The Box Parish Neighbourhood Plan relates to the whole of the Parish and includes a wide range of topics: housing, employment, community facilities, the value of the unique historic built environment and its conservation, highways, green spaces and infrastructure and the protection of our natural surroundings.
This reflects community-wide comments, observations and concerns about its future, bringing them together with census information, strategic and statistical evidence that mirrors the community’s overwhelming desire to make Box Parish an even better place to live and work, both now and for future generations.
The plan has been produced by the Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group, comprised of Parish Councillors and community volunteers, following extensive community consultation and engagement over several years.
It is hoped our Neighbourhood Development Plan along with the Wiltshire Core Strategy, will become the starting point for deciding where and if development should take place, together with the type and quality of that development.

Current status:

June 2024: The Steering Group is putting the final touches to the draft Plan, before submitting it to Wiltshire Council for its first external checking.